Lego mini figures made easy!
I love to find new tools to help me with my cake designs, and often times they aren't meant for cake decorating. So keep your eyes open where ever you are for things like this!
If you click on links on my site I do receive a small compensation from my affiliate links, but I have not been compensated for my reviews. They are my true thoughts and feelings about the tools.
This technically is an ice tray so you can make cute Lego figure ice cubes. I saw this at the Lego store and really anything that is silicone can easily be used for chocolates, fondant, gumpaste, and more! You can buy it here
My boys are really into Lego's so I had to have it. When my youngest son's birthday came up and he said he wanted a Lego party I was excited to use my new tool! And it works beautifully! I will do a bunch of tutorials on things that I have made with it so keep your eye out for them.
Here are some things that I have made with it so far!
Little Lego men chocolates.
Lego men for the tops of cupcakes
Standing Lego men.
Fondant Lego people from the LEGO movie.
Close up of Vitruvious from the LEGO movie. One of the figures I am going to show you how to make in a tutorial this week.
Can't wait to come up with more!
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