My husband was being honored tonight for 7 years of volunteer service with our churches cubscout program. Over those 7 years he worked with all three ranks wolf, bear, and webelos. Here are some cookies that I made for the event tonight. I used my Cricut Cake Machine to cut the images on the tops of the cookies. The words were really difficult because I was using fresh fondant, but they turned out well. I will have to post a tutorial on how to use a cricut machine since it can be really tricky. You can even tweak a regular Cricut to work with fondant and gumpaste, but you have to have patience and learn the tricks.

It was a great night and we even got to see one of his boys get his Arrow of Light that he had worked with from the very beginning. It is so neat to see the boys grow up.
You're the best, Andrea! Thanks again. I LOVED how the cookies turned out!